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« American Dream Detroit
» World’s Largest Cities in 2005 and 2020

Detroit as the Home of Urban Farming

08.01.11 | technician | In urban farming

Urban farming has been going on in Detroit for a long time now. But it’s not just in Detroit. Cities all across America, from Los Angeles to Denver to Minneapolis to our nation’s capital, now have urban farms. But Detroit is still the center of the organization online at urbanfarming.org. HuffPo has a piece about the story behind Urban Farming:

It started when former Prince protégé/singer-songwriter Taja Sevelle — who by age 15 had lived in a city, on a farm and in a remote forest near the Canadian border — moved to Detroit to record a CD for Sony. The deep poverty and vast vacant lots in the recession-scarred town inspired her to put her music career on the back burner and create an enterprise that would tackle the problem with a long-term, sustainable vision.

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» World’s Largest Cities in 2005 and 2020